Sombras (Shadows) is an experiment directed by Gintaras Varnas and is a reflection on the meaning of theatre and its value. It encourages a discussion about theatre art and the artist that is seeking an unattainable truth. This dramaturgic collage consists of texts by Spanish poet and playwright F.G. Lorca, as well as excerpts from the play Six Characters in Search of an Author by Italian playwright Luigi Pirandello. This play is an intellectual journey into the theatre world, where magic and everyday life, reality and mysticism, real-world and illusion, lies and truth, life and death intertwine. The theatre is the realm of props, cardboard castles, fake landscapes, dolls, and masks. The theatre is a safe haven from life’s cataclysms, assaults, and revolutions. A theatre is a place of authentic tragedies and battles. The theatre is a labyrinth of darkness where only the shadows of the characters wander, waiting in anticipation for their next incarnation. The theatre is a space that gives a poetic meaning to love, crime, and war. The theatre gives metaphysics to physics. The theatre is what seduces, frightens, and causes boredom for us. The theatre is a knife, half-submerged in a dream, but cutting all the way through to the depths of existence.

Director Gintaras Varnas

Set designer Julia Skuratova

Costume designer Juozas Valenta

Actors Dainius Svobonas Vytautas Anužis Jovita Jankelaitytė Vilija Grigaitytė Vaidas Maršalka Saulius Čiučelis Jūratė Onaitytė Matas Sigliukas Albinas Budnikas Liubomiras Laucevičius Sigitas Šidlauskas Ričardas Vitkaitis Audronė Paškonytė Dovydas Pabarčius Pijus Narijauskas Daiva Rudokaitė Andrius Alešiūnas Gintautas Bejeris Inga Mikutavičiūtė Martyna Gedvilaitė Aistė Zabotkaitė Robertas Petraitis Mantas Pauliukonis Milė Šablauskaitė Liucija Rukšnaitytė